Captcha prediction - From CNN to CRNN


Dien-Hoa Truong


September 30, 2022

3 approaches predicting the captcha with > 95% accuracy


Do you want a little bit more challenge than a traditional Image Classification? Let’s see if we can classify a sequence of classes rather than a single one ;).

In this blog post, I will try to break the captcha using 3 different approaches.

In this blog post:

Special thanks to these references below for helping me out during this development: - Fastai Captcha Recognition by Augustas Macijauskas - CRNN-Pytorch repo by GitYCC

Mid-Level fastai Dataloaders

In this part, we will use the Mid-Level API fastai to load data. This tool will help us to create Dataloaders which compatible with all the fastai ecosystems

In brief, we will create a CaptchaTransform ( similar to a Pytorch Datasets ) which returns something showable (CaptchaImage in this case)

Take a look at this fastai tutorial for more details

from import *
import PIL
from torch.nn import CTCLoss
from scipy.special import logsumexp
path = untar_data('')
imgs = get_image_files(path)
(#1040) [Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/by5y3.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/efb3f.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/76y6f.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/e2d66.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/c6we6.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/p2m6n.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/d66cn.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/2yggg.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/cffp4.png'),Path('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/captcha_images_v2/5npdn.png')...]

Below is the mapping from label to index and vice-versa. The index starts from 1 because we save the 0 for UNKNOWN class which is use in the last section CNN + RNN

# Find all the unique labels
ld = set()
for f in imgs:
    for l in f.stem:

label_mapper = "".join(sorted(ld))
l2i = { label_mapper[i]: i+1 for i in range(len(label_mapper)) } # labels to int + BLANK LABEL
i2l = { v: k for k, v in l2i.items() } # int to labels
l2i, i2l
({'2': 1,
  '3': 2,
  '4': 3,
  '5': 4,
  '6': 5,
  '7': 6,
  '8': 7,
  'b': 8,
  'c': 9,
  'd': 10,
  'e': 11,
  'f': 12,
  'g': 13,
  'm': 14,
  'n': 15,
  'p': 16,
  'w': 17,
  'x': 18,
  'y': 19},
 {1: '2',
  2: '3',
  3: '4',
  4: '5',
  5: '6',
  6: '7',
  7: '8',
  8: 'b',
  9: 'c',
  10: 'd',
  11: 'e',
  12: 'f',
  13: 'g',
  14: 'm',
  15: 'n',
  16: 'p',
  17: 'w',
  18: 'x',
  19: 'y'})
def label_func(path): return tensor([l2i[l] for l in path.stem])
def open_image(fname):
    img ='RGB')
    t = torch.Tensor(np.array(img))
    return t.permute(2,0,1).double()/255.0
class CaptchaImage(fastuple):
    def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs): 
        img,labels = self
        t = tensor(img)
        return show_image(t, title=''.join(str(i2l[i.item()]) for i in labels), ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
class CaptchaTransform(Transform):
    def __init__(self, files):
        self.files = files
    def encodes(self, i):
        file = self.files[i]
        label = label_func(file)
        img = open_image(file)
        return CaptchaImage(TensorImage(img), label)
bs = 8
splitter = RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.1) 
train_idx , valid_idx = splitter(imgs) 
train_files = imgs[train_idx]
valid_files = imgs[valid_idx]
train_tl= TfmdLists(range(len(train_files)), CaptchaTransform(train_files))
valid_tl= TfmdLists(range(len(valid_files)), CaptchaTransform(valid_files))
dls = DataLoaders.from_dsets(train_tl, 
                             after_item=Resize((50,200), method=ResizeMethod.Squish),
                                          Brightness(max_lighting=0.5, p=0.8, batch=False),
                                          Contrast(max_lighting=0.5, p=0.8, batch=False)], 
def show_batch(x:CaptchaImage, y, samples, ctxs=None, max_n=6, nrows=None, ncols=2, figsize=None, **kwargs):
    if figsize is None: figsize = (ncols*6, max_n//ncols * 3)
    if ctxs is None: ctxs = get_grid(min(x[0].shape[0], max_n), nrows=None, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize)
    for i,ctx in enumerate(ctxs): CaptchaImage(x[0][i],x[1][i]).show(ctx=ctx)
one_batch = dls.one_batch()

n_chars = len(i2l)
n_chars * 5

An Image Classification Model with a tweak on output dimension

A simple image classification model is used here with the output dimension: Number_of_vocab x Number_of_classes. Then, while calculating the loss function, we reshape the dimension and calculating the Cross-Entropy loss for each class (The fastai CrossEntropyLossFlat can help you to specify which axis that you want to calculate the Cross-Entropy loss on)

simple tweak on output
n_class = n_chars + 1
model = create_cnn_model(xresnet34, n_class*5)
crit = LabelSmoothingCrossEntropyFlat()
def loss_captcha(output, target):
    output = output.view(-1, 5, n_class)
    return crit(output, target)
def char_accu(inp, targ, axis=-1):
    inps = inp.reshape(-1, 5, n_class)
    pred = inps.argmax(dim=-1)
    return (pred == targ).sum()/(pred.shape[0]*pred.shape[1])
def captcha_accu(inp, targ, axis=-1):
    inps = inp.reshape(-1, 5, n_class)
    pred = inps.argmax(dim=-1)
    return ((pred == targ).all(axis=1)).sum()/targ.shape[0]
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_captcha, metrics=[char_accu, captcha_accu])
model = model.cuda()
dls = dls.cuda()
learn.fit_one_cycle(60, 3e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss char_accu captcha_accu time
0 4.417060 3.768889 0.065385 0.000000 00:05
1 4.238056 5.701259 0.055769 0.000000 00:05
2 3.933014 3.674879 0.088462 0.000000 00:05
3 3.719078 5.090882 0.075000 0.000000 00:05
4 3.548473 3.824108 0.132692 0.000000 00:05
5 3.366105 3.826407 0.113462 0.000000 00:05
6 3.136746 3.577558 0.115385 0.000000 00:05
7 2.936203 3.092070 0.194231 0.000000 00:05
8 2.729806 3.936151 0.196154 0.000000 00:05
9 2.521348 4.372227 0.161538 0.000000 00:05
10 2.263230 3.843181 0.184615 0.000000 00:05
11 2.063784 6.484088 0.094231 0.000000 00:05
12 1.915519 5.548406 0.196154 0.000000 00:05
13 1.772406 2.161972 0.426923 0.000000 00:05
14 1.659181 2.289798 0.411538 0.000000 00:05
15 1.480252 6.103688 0.165385 0.000000 00:05
16 1.440136 1.914036 0.509615 0.009615 00:05
17 1.336665 3.500629 0.332692 0.009615 00:05
18 1.275441 1.713563 0.590385 0.076923 00:05
19 1.219574 1.325677 0.738462 0.240385 00:05
20 1.165449 1.249834 0.771154 0.298077 00:05
21 1.132226 1.372405 0.711538 0.163462 00:05
22 1.072073 1.138467 0.823077 0.403846 00:05
23 1.045686 1.143437 0.832692 0.432692 00:05
24 1.027944 1.020135 0.890385 0.605769 00:05
25 0.980347 0.953016 0.905769 0.673077 00:05
26 0.955928 0.885346 0.938461 0.769231 00:05
27 0.938319 0.880523 0.940385 0.778846 00:05
28 0.912880 0.909565 0.926923 0.692308 00:05
29 0.888791 0.846983 0.957692 0.836538 00:05
30 0.877755 0.829840 0.959615 0.855769 00:05
31 0.854199 0.870150 0.946154 0.788462 00:05
32 0.838330 0.819317 0.959615 0.855769 00:05
33 0.824045 0.791964 0.978846 0.951923 00:05
34 0.821468 0.794070 0.969231 0.894231 00:05
35 0.803675 0.774516 0.969231 0.913462 00:05
36 0.800759 0.771277 0.975000 0.932692 00:05
37 0.784726 0.774723 0.971154 0.913462 00:05
38 0.776317 0.733620 0.986538 0.971154 00:05
39 0.767470 0.736605 0.982692 0.951923 00:05
40 0.757092 0.729704 0.978846 0.942308 00:05
41 0.755353 0.721849 0.984615 0.961538 00:05
42 0.754742 0.728808 0.978846 0.951923 00:05
43 0.748297 0.719470 0.982692 0.961538 00:05
44 0.742404 0.716713 0.986538 0.971154 00:05
45 0.735511 0.707033 0.984615 0.961538 00:05
46 0.735871 0.699644 0.984615 0.961538 00:06
47 0.728447 0.696534 0.984615 0.961538 00:05
48 0.723877 0.706259 0.984615 0.961538 00:05
49 0.728841 0.698290 0.984615 0.961538 00:05
50 0.721174 0.697634 0.984615 0.961538 00:05
51 0.720327 0.697556 0.986538 0.971154 00:05
52 0.714673 0.690376 0.988462 0.971154 00:06
53 0.717317 0.693437 0.984615 0.961538 00:05
54 0.714745 0.691280 0.986538 0.971154 00:05
55 0.715825 0.685640 0.984615 0.961538 00:06
56 0.711018 0.691839 0.986538 0.971154 00:05
57 0.713582 0.688716 0.986538 0.971154 00:06
58 0.713092 0.687872 0.986538 0.971154 00:06
59 0.711346 0.691615 0.988462 0.971154 00:05

Wow! With this simple trick, we can reach 97% accuracy for the prediction 5-digits captcha. Very impressive! Let’s see if we can do it better with other techniques

Remove the AdaptiveAvgPool2d to reserve spatial information

In the model used above, between the body and head, there is an AdaptiveAvgPool2d layer, which blurs all essential spatial information. So let’s remove it and create our own head

Receptive field with and without Adaptive Average Pooling

From the Illustration above, we can see that, with AdaptiveAvgPool2d, each element in the feature vector must understand the whole Captcha, to classify correctly. To facilitate the work, by removing the Pooling layer, each feature needs to represent only a part of the Captcha, or in the best case, a letter. Combining all the letter’s features together can give us a Captcha prediction

body = create_body(xresnet34)
head = nn.Sequential(
model = nn.Sequential(body, head)
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_captcha, metrics=[char_accu, captcha_accu])
learn.fit_one_cycle(60, 3e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss char_accu captcha_accu time
0 3.056647 2.770755 0.221154 0.000000 00:06
1 2.707805 2.455260 0.351923 0.019231 00:06
2 2.307795 2.130244 0.434615 0.048077 00:06
3 1.944143 1.862135 0.544231 0.067308 00:06
4 1.663925 1.757791 0.603846 0.076923 00:06
5 1.499317 1.516997 0.653846 0.153846 00:06
6 1.436849 1.711082 0.590385 0.048077 00:06
7 1.486420 1.472152 0.676923 0.153846 00:06
8 1.389985 1.436426 0.725000 0.192308 00:06
9 1.344463 1.969319 0.588462 0.067308 00:06
10 1.500018 1.610145 0.661538 0.105769 00:06
11 1.370128 1.287863 0.821154 0.451923 00:06
12 1.320343 1.476295 0.742308 0.240385 00:06
13 1.276946 3.231544 0.340385 0.000000 00:06
14 1.580945 1.563601 0.763462 0.307692 00:06
15 1.444904 1.174396 0.834615 0.432692 00:06
16 1.276948 1.223626 0.817308 0.403846 00:06
17 1.145310 1.043204 0.901923 0.653846 00:06
18 1.079106 1.131395 0.909615 0.701923 00:06
19 1.054410 1.013260 0.901923 0.634615 00:06
20 1.059869 1.099213 0.892308 0.634615 00:06
21 1.031296 0.993608 0.905769 0.663462 00:06
22 0.994466 0.873521 0.944231 0.788462 00:06
23 1.009694 0.865026 0.948077 0.817308 00:06
24 0.932827 1.105105 0.951923 0.875000 00:06
25 0.887062 0.852510 0.950000 0.836538 00:06
26 0.884278 0.817573 0.959615 0.875000 00:06
27 0.862702 0.815369 0.963462 0.865385 00:06
28 0.853542 0.814780 0.969231 0.903846 00:06
29 0.852293 0.793552 0.971154 0.903846 00:06
30 0.832754 1.187254 0.892308 0.605769 00:06
31 0.824426 0.905626 0.971154 0.923077 00:06
32 0.802780 0.747221 0.973077 0.913462 00:06
33 0.807151 1.262912 0.957692 0.913462 00:06
34 0.788464 0.744047 0.980769 0.942308 00:06
35 0.772782 0.724258 0.982692 0.932692 00:06
36 0.764042 0.716053 0.980769 0.951923 00:06
37 0.755922 0.726421 0.980769 0.942308 00:06
38 0.755969 0.716299 0.984615 0.951923 00:06
39 0.742237 0.709827 0.988461 0.971154 00:06
40 0.741012 0.700651 0.986538 0.961538 00:06
41 0.739579 0.746366 0.975000 0.923077 00:06
42 0.734317 0.740812 0.978846 0.942308 00:06
43 0.728524 0.689804 0.984615 0.951923 00:06
44 0.721895 0.686216 0.984615 0.961538 00:06
45 0.718292 0.680776 0.984615 0.961538 00:06
46 0.711961 0.675663 0.988462 0.971154 00:06
47 0.711802 0.678798 0.988461 0.971154 00:06
48 0.712833 0.678948 0.986538 0.961538 00:06
49 0.711009 0.678042 0.984615 0.961538 00:06
50 0.705792 0.671570 0.986538 0.961538 00:06
51 0.703747 0.669645 0.986538 0.961538 00:06
52 0.700930 0.668842 0.988462 0.971154 00:06
53 0.700268 0.667778 0.988461 0.971154 00:06
54 0.698437 0.673563 0.988461 0.971154 00:06
55 0.702755 0.665972 0.988462 0.961538 00:06
56 0.699661 0.668209 0.988461 0.971154 00:06
57 0.695964 0.666184 0.988461 0.971154 00:06
58 0.697385 0.665079 0.992308 0.980769 00:06
59 0.702616 0.668129 0.988462 0.961538 00:06

We have a quite similar result to the previous model after 60 epochs. However, this one learns much faster. After 15 epochs, it attains already 43% captcha accuracy while the With AdaptiveAvgPool2d is still at 0%


One can imagine, from the intuition of the last section, if we can extract features from letters and then predict the captcha, How about using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)? Is it for solving sequence problems right?

Yes, yes, It is the CRNN.

CRNN Model

Feel free to run the model step by step through each layer to understand better the dimension


The Sequence Length of the output doesn’t necessarily equal to the Captcha Length (which is 5 in our case) because our loss function CTC Loss knows how to handle it

The CNN-Body model I use here is resnet34, but not the entire one. We cut it after some layers. The reason is, the deeper the image passes through the CNN the more its Width shrink, and it can not be smaller than our captcha length (which is 5). Below you can see I choose to cut after 7 layers so the feature’s Width is still 13 (the last dimension of the tensor)

body = create_body(resnet34, cut=7)
n_class = n_chars + 1

By running the CNN body manually, I can know the number of output features, height and width which will be used later for building the CRNN model

torch.Size([8, 256, 4, 13])
class CRNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, output_channel, H, W, n_class, map_to_seq_hidden=64, rnn_hidden_1=256, rnn_hidden_2=128):
        super(CRNN, self).__init__()
        self.body = create_body(resnet34, cut=7)
        self.map_to_seq = LinBnDrop(output_channel * H, map_to_seq_hidden, p=0.1, bn=False, lin_first=False)
        self.rnn1 = nn.LSTM(map_to_seq_hidden, rnn_hidden_1, bidirectional=True)
        self.rnn2 = nn.LSTM(2 * rnn_hidden_1, rnn_hidden_2, bidirectional=True)
        self.dense = LinBnDrop(2 * rnn_hidden_2, n_class, p=0.1, bn=False, lin_first=False)
    def forward(self, images):
        # shape of images: (batch, channel, height, width)

        conv = self.body(images)
        batch, channel, height, width = conv.size()

        conv = conv.view(batch, channel * height, width)
        conv = conv.permute(2, 0, 1)  # (width, batch, feature)
        seq = self.map_to_seq(conv)

        recurrent, _ = self.rnn1(seq)
        recurrent, _ = self.rnn2(recurrent)

        output = self.dense(recurrent)
        return output  # shape: (seq_len, batch, num_class)
output_channel = 256
H = 4
W = 13
model = CRNN(output_channel, H, W, n_class)
steps = W

The loss function we use here is CTC Loss. In brief, it is a loss function that can handle a sequence classification without a specific alignment (Because we don’t have a character-level dataset and the span of each character is random). An Illustration is below (Taken from In CTC Loss, it allows a repeated prediction with a character that spans through multiple positions and also a blank character. However, we need a decoder to decode later the output. I will talk about it in the next section

CTC Loss Illustration
criterion = nn.CTCLoss()
def loss_captcha_ctc(output, target):
    batch_size = target.shape[0]
    input_lengths = torch.LongTensor([steps] * batch_size)
    target_lengths = torch.LongTensor([5] * batch_size)
    log_probs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(output, dim=2)
    return criterion(log_probs, target, input_lengths, target_lengths)

Decoder and Metrics

As the output of CRNN model is not exactly corresponding to the Groud-Truth, we must have something to decode it and get the final prediction. Check this tutorial for more details Below there is code for the greedy and beam-search technique

blank = 0
beam_size = 10
NINF = -1 * float('inf')
def _reconstruct(labels, blank=0):
    new_labels = []
    # merge same labels
    previous = None
    for l in labels:
        if l != previous:
            previous = l
    # delete blank
    new_labels = [l for l in new_labels if l != blank]
    return new_labels
def greedy_decode(emission_log_prob, blank=0, **kwargs):
    labels = np.argmax(emission_log_prob, axis=-1)
    labels = _reconstruct(labels, blank=blank)
    return labels
def beam_search_decode(emission_log_prob, blank=0, **kwargs):
    beam_size = kwargs['beam_size']
    emission_threshold = kwargs.get('emission_threshold', np.log(DEFAULT_EMISSION_THRESHOLD))

    length, class_count = emission_log_prob.shape

    beams = [([], 0)]  # (prefix, accumulated_log_prob)
    for t in range(length):
        new_beams = []
        for prefix, accumulated_log_prob in beams:
            for c in range(class_count):
                log_prob = emission_log_prob[t, c]
                if log_prob < emission_threshold:
                new_prefix = prefix + [c]
                # log(p1 * p2) = log_p1 + log_p2
                new_accu_log_prob = accumulated_log_prob + log_prob
                new_beams.append((new_prefix, new_accu_log_prob))

        # sorted by accumulated_log_prob
        new_beams.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        beams = new_beams[:beam_size]

    # sum up beams to produce labels
    total_accu_log_prob = {}
    for prefix, accu_log_prob in beams:
        labels = tuple(_reconstruct(prefix, blank))
        # log(p1 + p2) = logsumexp([log_p1, log_p2])
        total_accu_log_prob[labels] = \
            logsumexp([accu_log_prob, total_accu_log_prob.get(labels, NINF)])

    labels_beams = [(list(labels), accu_log_prob)
                    for labels, accu_log_prob in total_accu_log_prob.items()]
    labels_beams.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    labels = labels_beams[0][0]
    return labels

As we can have a prediction from the decoder that has length > 5, we don’t have character level accuracy for the metrics but only whole captcha accuracy

def captcha_accu_ctc(pred, targ, axis=-1):
    log_probs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(pred, dim=2)
    emission_log_probs = np.transpose(log_probs.detach().cpu().numpy(), (1, 0, 2))
    decoder = beam_search_decode
    label2char = i2l
    decoded_list = []
    for emission_log_prob in emission_log_probs:
        decoded = decoder(emission_log_prob, blank=blank, beam_size=beam_size)
    count_ok = 0
    for decode, gt in zip(decoded_list, targ):
        if len(decode) == len(gt):
            count_ok += (torch.tensor(decode).cuda() == gt).all().item()
    return count_ok/targ.shape[0]
# loss_captcha_ctc(pred, one_batch[1])
dls = dls.cuda()
model = model.cuda()
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_captcha_ctc, metrics=[captcha_accu_ctc])
# learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_captcha_ctc)
epoch train_loss valid_loss captcha_accu_ctc time
0 0.001245 0.070678 0.961538 00:06

learn.fit_one_cycle(60, 3e-3)
epoch train_loss valid_loss captcha_accu_ctc time
0 3.364362 3.221772 0.000000 00:05
1 3.239760 3.222240 0.000000 00:05
2 3.198520 3.179216 0.000000 00:05
3 3.068399 3.082180 0.000000 00:05
4 2.935494 2.940528 0.000000 00:05
5 2.778541 2.834429 0.000000 00:05
6 2.595863 2.414017 0.000000 00:05
7 2.398474 2.306193 0.000000 00:05
8 2.133149 2.030112 0.009615 00:05
9 1.933357 2.035026 0.000000 00:05
10 1.740602 3.510546 0.000000 00:05
11 1.571230 1.606472 0.000000 00:05
12 1.481388 1.380839 0.028846 00:05
13 1.363306 1.311289 0.028846 00:05
14 1.196686 1.012929 0.125000 00:05
15 0.932915 0.713615 0.192308 00:05
16 0.730192 0.596288 0.278846 00:05
17 0.589729 0.484889 0.442308 00:05
18 0.393728 0.315344 0.567308 00:05
19 0.335306 0.282954 0.663462 00:05
20 0.253060 0.164563 0.826923 00:05
21 0.192399 0.202485 0.778846 00:05
22 0.152099 0.170849 0.788462 00:05
23 0.165517 0.182350 0.769231 00:05
24 0.143058 0.116091 0.875000 00:05
25 0.140082 0.098341 0.884615 00:05
26 0.107128 0.153724 0.846154 00:05
27 0.104198 0.064582 0.903846 00:05
28 0.075773 0.164378 0.826923 00:05
29 0.073986 0.095392 0.942308 00:05
30 0.121426 0.098069 0.875000 00:05
31 0.061526 0.085097 0.913462 00:05
32 0.050841 0.033660 0.961538 00:05
33 0.041742 0.113056 0.884615 00:05
34 0.037825 0.035997 0.980769 00:05
35 0.042165 0.057766 0.923077 00:05
36 0.040758 0.056158 0.961538 00:05
37 0.013569 0.063323 0.951923 00:05
38 0.017145 0.041725 0.951923 00:05
39 0.016637 0.050826 0.951923 00:05
40 0.015019 0.039701 0.971154 00:05
41 0.007477 0.036252 0.980769 00:05
42 0.017243 0.036068 0.980769 00:05
43 0.011176 0.045191 0.951923 00:05
44 0.010634 0.045656 0.971154 00:05
45 0.005593 0.048920 0.961538 00:05
46 0.002363 0.049634 0.961538 00:05
47 0.005349 0.049498 0.961538 00:05
48 0.012180 0.036904 0.971154 00:05
49 0.001877 0.035886 0.980769 00:05
50 0.002923 0.043079 0.971154 00:05
51 0.002380 0.034152 0.980769 00:05
52 0.002510 0.038204 0.980769 00:05
53 0.001762 0.034696 0.980769 00:05
54 0.002121 0.037318 0.980769 00:05
55 0.000552 0.043198 0.971154 00:05
56 0.000387 0.041396 0.980769 00:05
57 0.001379 0.037345 0.980769 00:05
58 0.002729 0.040222 0.971154 00:05
59 0.000564 0.051966 0.971154 00:05

Ok, we have good results too. As it is a very simple dataset, it’s hard to say which technique is better. However, the CRNN training loss is much lower than validation loss, It might be a hint that we can tune it to get more accuracy or training faster? Please DM me if you have an idea about it. Thanks